Saturday, 21 September 2013
London Grammar falls from Coldplay's tree
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
Apparently we entered the COLDPLAY harvesting period. fter the opening of the season with Reload, by Sebastian Ingrosso, Tommy Trash and John Martin, now it is time to collect another fruit from Coldplay's tree of influence: London Grammar's Strong.
Is it only me who can hear Coldplay's Trouble all over Hannah Reid's vocal in this tune? I'm not trying to say it is a cover version, neither plagiarism. Her vocals are strong and the lyrics are beautiful. I prefer to see it as a reverence to Chris Martin, his friends and the incredible job they have been doing all of theses years.
Also, I had so many people listening to Reload and asking me what's the name of this new Coldplay's song? Yeah! Agree. For me it is nothing less than a Cold Play's electronic child.
I'm not complaining. I like the three groups. In different levels of course, and think we should give the due credit to Cold Play as the precursor of this movement. Can I call it a movement? Trend maybe? I don't know. Lets just enjoy it all.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Brazilian MP's are the most expensive in the world - I protest against it
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
R$ 33 millions (£9,62 millions) is the annual cost of a Senator in Brazil. A member of the lower house of the Brazilian Congress, Chamber of Federal Deputies, costs R$ 6,6 millions (£1,92 millions) a year to the taxpayer. R$10,2 millions (£2,97 millions) is the average annual cost of an MP in Brazil, the most expensive in the world, according to a study by 'Transparencia Brazil Institute.'
To have an idea of how tragic it is to the country, remember that the Brazilian Senate has 81 chairs, while the lower house is composed of 513 federal deputies.
Now it gets graphic and you may not want to read it as it may make you sick.
594 x £2,97mi = £1,76bi/year
Shouldn't the protesters in Brazil be asking (better, demanding) the MP's to cut their own earnings down?
They are not the only ones in the Brazilian government sphere to earn absurd sums of money to do nothing or even work against people's interest.Compare it with how the MP's live in Sweden and you'll see how disgusting it is to have to pay for the politicians's luxury.
Watch the video for more details, in Portuguese though.
Think about it.
Also compare:
The minute 'worked' by a Brazilian MP costs R$ 11,545.00 to the tax payer, who earns a basic monthly salary of R$ 678.00.
MP R$ 11,545.00 /MINUTE
Taxpayer R$ 678.00 / MONTH
R$ 33 millions (£9,62 millions) is the annual cost of a Senator in Brazil. A member of the lower house of the Brazilian Congress, Chamber of Federal Deputies, costs R$ 6,6 millions (£1,92 millions) a year to the taxpayer. R$10,2 millions (£2,97 millions) is the average annual cost of an MP in Brazil, the most expensive in the world, according to a study by 'Transparencia Brazil Institute.'
To have an idea of how tragic it is to the country, remember that the Brazilian Senate has 81 chairs, while the lower house is composed of 513 federal deputies.
Now it gets graphic and you may not want to read it as it may make you sick.
594 x £2,97mi = £1,76bi/year
Shouldn't the protesters in Brazil be asking (better, demanding) the MP's to cut their own earnings down?
They are not the only ones in the Brazilian government sphere to earn absurd sums of money to do nothing or even work against people's interest.Compare it with how the MP's live in Sweden and you'll see how disgusting it is to have to pay for the politicians's luxury.
Watch the video for more details, in Portuguese though.
Think about it.
Also compare:
The minute 'worked' by a Brazilian MP costs R$ 11,545.00 to the tax payer, who earns a basic monthly salary of R$ 678.00.
MP R$ 11,545.00 /MINUTE
Taxpayer R$ 678.00 / MONTH
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
University investigates 198 students involved in racist prank in Brazil
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
A group of university students are being accused of racism, sexism, and prejudice in Brazil.
They are subject of an internal inquiry at the Federal University in the estate of Minas Gerais UFMG.
The 198 graduate students are suspect of involvement in a prank that made references to slavery and Nazism.
The administrative process opened by the university against the students,
however, only investigates their involvement in selling and distributing alcohol during the prank event which took place last March 15.
At least half of the students investigated in the case, 99, are rookies who suffered the prank.
The University did not explain why the words racism, sexism, prejudice, slavery and Nazism were not included in the process.
Pranking events are traditional in universities all over the country and happens every semester as an initiation/welcome ritual.
Severe university pranks in Brazil have gained media attention in several other occasions, when students who couldn’t swim died after being thrown into swimming pools for instance.
A group of university students are being accused of racism, sexism, and prejudice in Brazil.
They are subject of an internal inquiry at the Federal University in the estate of Minas Gerais UFMG.
The 198 graduate students are suspect of involvement in a prank that made references to slavery and Nazism.
The administrative process opened by the university against the students,
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Here Xica da Silva, born in the
same state where the prank
took place, was made into a
TV soap opera character.
At least half of the students investigated in the case, 99, are rookies who suffered the prank.
The University did not explain why the words racism, sexism, prejudice, slavery and Nazism were not included in the process.
Pranking events are traditional in universities all over the country and happens every semester as an initiation/welcome ritual.
Severe university pranks in Brazil have gained media attention in several other occasions, when students who couldn’t swim died after being thrown into swimming pools for instance.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
BRIC - Desaceleração econômica pode tirar Brasil do grupo
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
O Brasil pode perder sua cadeira no clube de países emergentes BRIC. A ameaça é anunciada pela TV Americana CNN, que reúne hoje representantes das Nações Unidas, Organização para o Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Econômica e a Google em um debate online, através do Twiter, para discutir quais países sairão vencedores na corrida para escapar da crise financeira mundial.
A CNN vai discutir se os membros do BRIC, bloco formado por
Brasil, Russia, China e India, ainda têm chance se tornarem líderes econômicos
globais e heróis da recessão que já dura mais de cinco anos.
De acordo com a CNN, a desaceleração do crescimento econômico dos
membros do BRIC, bloco formado por Brasil, Russia, China e India, ameaça a
esperança de eles se tornarem líderes econômicos globais e heróis da recessão
que já dura mais de cinco anos.
O alarme soa ainda mais alto para o Brasil. Com um crescimento econômico
abaixo de 1% em 2012, o menor entre os integrantes do BRIC, a CNN questiona se
o país sequer merece ser incluído no grupo.
E a TV já aponta quais países devem tomar o lugar do BRIC como novo
destino para investimentos internacionais. Daqui para frente os holofotes devem
apontar para o Vietnam, a Indonésia e os países africanos ao sul do Sahara, com
previsão de crescimento de até 5,6% este ano, desempenho bem acima da media global.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Brazilian phone maker takes a bite out of Apple
Gradiente wins exclusive right to the iPhone brand name
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
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The Brazilian IPHONE was launched in December 2012 and had been registered since 2000, seven years before Apple launched its first smartphone |
Now it is up to the Gradiente to decide whether Apple can continue using the iPhone brand in Brazil.
Neither company has yet released a public statement concerning the INPI's ruling.
The Brazilian electronics manufacturer, controlled by IGB Eletrônica, registered the brand name in 2000, seven years before Apple launched their game changing device that has since gone on to earn the company billions. The registration gave Gradiente came with a launching deadline of january 2013
In order to maintain exclusive rights to the brand, Gradiente was required to launch its IPHONE by January of this year. The company just beat the clock by releasing it in December 2012, just one month before the deadline.
This is not the first time Apple face legal battle over its biggest brand name. It already had to make deals with Cisco, who held the rights over the name in the USA.
The company founded by Steve Jobs filed registration of the brand in 2006, 2007, 2010 and 2011. Two years ago Apple obtained authorization to market the name linked to shoes, clothing and instruction mauals.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Four arrested in connection with nightclub fire that killed more than 230 in Brazil
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
Police arrested four people connected with the nightclub fire that killed 231 in Santa Maria, southern Brazil. Officials did not reveal the names of the detainees, but reports say they are the two co-owners of the club, Mauro Hoffman and Elissandro Spohr, and two members of the band Gurizada Fandangueira. Some reports also say the chief of security was among the arrested.
The suspects are being temporarily held for five days while police carry out investigation into the blaze. The imprisonment can be extended for five more days until the incident is clarified, Brazilian police said.
Brazilian authorities say the final answer to who are the responsible for the fire in the nightclub will hardly be found in less than 30 days of investigation.
The club owners argue that the establishment had been inspected by a fire marshal and had a temporary authorisation to be open. Police informed they suspected the owners of the Kiss club could be getting rid of evidences.
The journalist and Doctor in Political Science, Leonoardo Sakamoto, also argues that the lack license is not an automatic answer to find the culprit for this episode that left the country standing still.
He says in his column on that long bureaucratic processes and corruption play a major part in irregularities in licensing businesses in Brazil.
According to Sakamoto there is a well known mafia installed around the processes of emission and inspection of licenses to bars, restaurants and nightclubs in Sao Paulo and many other cities in Brazil. He also says it is almost impossible to clean public service from those mafias.
“The fact is that any mayor that try to change this reality, simplifying e digitalizing the process to obtain certificates and licenses and punishing public workers involved in corruption is more likely to fall before manage to tackle the mafias”, said Sakamoto.
On the other hand of the discussion, yesterday, Sao Paulo Mayor's Office announced a meeting with nightclub owners to revise licensing legislation and inspection in the city. Control of attendees, and emergency exit are two of the main subjects Sao Paulo officials want to discuss with club owners.
Sao Paulo's director of the Venues' Use Control, Silvio de Sicco, said his department has only 19 engineers, but they were enough to do the licensing and inspection work.
"I'd like to have 200 people, but the ones I have are enough, because they are exclusively focused in that activity," said de Sicco adding that periodical inspections are done in nightclubs in Sao Paulo with priority on those that congregate more people and serve alcohol.
The meeting date is not set yet and does not aim to change the current legislation, as the mayor's office say they are enough. The idea is to hear entrepreneurs's opinions on how to enforce them more efficiently, said Nunzio Briguglio, Sao Paulo's Communication Secretary.
Police arrested four people connected with the nightclub fire that killed 231 in Santa Maria, southern Brazil. Officials did not reveal the names of the detainees, but reports say they are the two co-owners of the club, Mauro Hoffman and Elissandro Spohr, and two members of the band Gurizada Fandangueira. Some reports also say the chief of security was among the arrested.
The suspects are being temporarily held for five days while police carry out investigation into the blaze. The imprisonment can be extended for five more days until the incident is clarified, Brazilian police said.
Brazilian authorities say the final answer to who are the responsible for the fire in the nightclub will hardly be found in less than 30 days of investigation.
The club owners argue that the establishment had been inspected by a fire marshal and had a temporary authorisation to be open. Police informed they suspected the owners of the Kiss club could be getting rid of evidences.
Now Brazilian population asks for a broader investigation into who are the responsible for the tragedy. Through social media and comments in news websites they claim that authorities should also to be investigated.The journalist and Doctor in Political Science, Leonoardo Sakamoto, also argues that the lack license is not an automatic answer to find the culprit for this episode that left the country standing still.
He says in his column on that long bureaucratic processes and corruption play a major part in irregularities in licensing businesses in Brazil.
According to Sakamoto there is a well known mafia installed around the processes of emission and inspection of licenses to bars, restaurants and nightclubs in Sao Paulo and many other cities in Brazil. He also says it is almost impossible to clean public service from those mafias.
“The fact is that any mayor that try to change this reality, simplifying e digitalizing the process to obtain certificates and licenses and punishing public workers involved in corruption is more likely to fall before manage to tackle the mafias”, said Sakamoto.
On the other hand of the discussion, yesterday, Sao Paulo Mayor's Office announced a meeting with nightclub owners to revise licensing legislation and inspection in the city. Control of attendees, and emergency exit are two of the main subjects Sao Paulo officials want to discuss with club owners.
Sao Paulo's director of the Venues' Use Control, Silvio de Sicco, said his department has only 19 engineers, but they were enough to do the licensing and inspection work.
"I'd like to have 200 people, but the ones I have are enough, because they are exclusively focused in that activity," said de Sicco adding that periodical inspections are done in nightclubs in Sao Paulo with priority on those that congregate more people and serve alcohol.
The meeting date is not set yet and does not aim to change the current legislation, as the mayor's office say they are enough. The idea is to hear entrepreneurs's opinions on how to enforce them more efficiently, said Nunzio Briguglio, Sao Paulo's Communication Secretary.
Club where 231 died in inferno did not have license
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
One of the owners of the nightclub Kiss in Brazil, where 231 people died in a fire yesterday, admitted to the police the establishment’s license had expired since august 2012.
The owners of the club were identified as Mauro Hoffman and Elisandro Spohr, but the police did not reveal which of the business partners spoke to them. Brazilian authorities haven’t confirmed yet if the business partners will be detained as suspects of manslaughter.
According to the chief police Sandro Meiners, the owner said the club had already filed process to renew its license. Meiners said he would check why the license had not been granted by then.
Besides the license to open, the club’s certificate of Fire Prevention Plan was also expired, according to the National Civil Defence Secretary, Colonel Humberto Viana.
Rodrigo Lemos Martins, member of Gurizada Fandangueira, who played at the venue told local media that the fire started when the group lit up a flare that ignited the flames in the insulation material on the ceiling.
Martins also said another member of the band tried to put off the fire with help from security staff, but the fire extinguisher did not work.
The club had only one exit and reports say that, at some point during the fire, security staff did not allow customers to leave the premises. This could be the reason why many of the victims ran to toilets.
One of the owners of the nightclub Kiss in Brazil, where 231 people died in a fire yesterday, admitted to the police the establishment’s license had expired since august 2012.
The owners of the club were identified as Mauro Hoffman and Elisandro Spohr, but the police did not reveal which of the business partners spoke to them. Brazilian authorities haven’t confirmed yet if the business partners will be detained as suspects of manslaughter.
According to the chief police Sandro Meiners, the owner said the club had already filed process to renew its license. Meiners said he would check why the license had not been granted by then.
Besides the license to open, the club’s certificate of Fire Prevention Plan was also expired, according to the National Civil Defence Secretary, Colonel Humberto Viana.
Rodrigo Lemos Martins, member of Gurizada Fandangueira, who played at the venue told local media that the fire started when the group lit up a flare that ignited the flames in the insulation material on the ceiling.
Martins also said another member of the band tried to put off the fire with help from security staff, but the fire extinguisher did not work.
The club had only one exit and reports say that, at some point during the fire, security staff did not allow customers to leave the premises. This could be the reason why many of the victims ran to toilets.
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Number of people killed in a nightclub fire in Brazil falls to 231
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
Official number of fatal victims in the nightclub fire in Brazil fell from 245 to 231, after Police revised the counting of bodies. The police, however, say they finish retrieving, counting and identification of the corpses.
Most of the victims were young students and, according to Police chief Sandro Luís Meinerz, they were killed by inhaling toxic fume from the burning of the acoustic insulation, rather than the fire itself.
He also said all the bodies are in good conditions for identification.
The fire at The Kiss nightclub in the university town of Santa Maria, was the biggest in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and the second Brazilian history.
Official number of fatal victims in the nightclub fire in Brazil fell from 245 to 231, after Police revised the counting of bodies. The police, however, say they finish retrieving, counting and identification of the corpses.
Most of the victims were young students and, according to Police chief Sandro Luís Meinerz, they were killed by inhaling toxic fume from the burning of the acoustic insulation, rather than the fire itself.
He also said all the bodies are in good conditions for identification.
The fire at The Kiss nightclub in the university town of Santa Maria, was the biggest in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and the second Brazilian history.
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff returns to the country after fire kills 245 in a nightclub
Tragedy in Brazil raises questions about whether the country is ready to host the world Cup and the Olympics
Raphael Michilis Fonseca![]() |
Witnesses say some victims couldn't find the only emergency exit in the club and got trapped in the toilets |
“We will use all the resources to recover the bodies and give assistance to victims and the local services. It’s a sad Sunday, but I’d like to say to the population of Santa Maria and whole Brazil that we are together and of course we will do all that is possible to assist Santa Maria,” said Rousseff.
Besides mourning and comforting the victims’ relatives, the president might have to answer to questions concerning the health and safety standards in the country.
Media around the world is
broadcasting images of rescuers breaking walls to reach the victims of the Fire
in the student town of Santa Maria and questioning if Brazil is ready to host big
international events such as the World Football Cup next year and the Olympic
Games in 2016.
BBC correspondent in Brazil Gary Duffy questioned how Brazil copes with emergencies and the priority given to health and safety in the country.
Zero Hora Brazilian newspaper reporter Carlos Ferreira told BBC the country needs to make improvements in infrastructure like electric installations.
BBC correspondent in Brazil Gary Duffy questioned how Brazil copes with emergencies and the priority given to health and safety in the country.
Zero Hora Brazilian newspaper reporter Carlos Ferreira told BBC the country needs to make improvements in infrastructure like electric installations.
Although authorities still investigate the cause of the fire, some witnesses confirmed the accident was caused by the fire displayed on stage by the band who was playing at the club.
“The band started using fire on the stage and one of their members lit and pointed a fire artefact to the air. The ceiling caught fire and it spread in a fraction of seconds,” said Michele Pereira, 34, who was next to the stage during the gig.
The incident turns the attention to how serious Brazil is about licensing venues and inspecting their commitment to health and safety.
It is still not clear if the band had authorization to use fire works inside the club nor if the emergency exits in the venue complied with safety regulations.
Although authorities still investigate the cause of the fire, some witnesses confirmed the accident was caused by the fire displayed on stage by the band who was playing at the club.
“The band started using fire on the stage and one of their members lit and pointed a fire artefact to the air. The ceiling caught fire and it spread in a fraction of seconds,” said Michele Pereira, 34, who was next to the stage during the gig.
The incident turns the attention to how serious Brazil is about licensing venues and inspecting their commitment to health and safety.
It is still not clear if the band had authorization to use fire works inside the club nor if the emergency exits in the venue complied with safety regulations.
Nearly 250 killed in a fire at a nightclub in southern Brazil
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
Brazilian authorities confirmed the number of victims killed in the at The Kiss club in Santa Maria, south Brazil, reached 245. Around 200 other people were injured and at least 50 are still hospitalized.
Bodies started being identified and the first list was already displayed at the entrance of the sports centre which is serving as temporary morgue in the student city of Santa Maria.
This is the second biggest fire in Brazil's history, after another incident killed 503 in a circus in 1961.
Brazilian authorities confirmed the number of victims killed in the at The Kiss club in Santa Maria, south Brazil, reached 245. Around 200 other people were injured and at least 50 are still hospitalized.
Bodies started being identified and the first list was already displayed at the entrance of the sports centre which is serving as temporary morgue in the student city of Santa Maria.
This is the second biggest fire in Brazil's history, after another incident killed 503 in a circus in 1961.
180 die in nightclub blaze in Brazil
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
Officials confirmed at least 180 people died in a nightclub after insulation caught on fire.
Fire fighters say most victims died asphyxiated by the smoke, and more than 200 were injured in the accident.
The tragedy started around 2 am, when the acoustic insulation caught fire at the nightclub The Kiss in the university city of Santa Maria in southern Brazil.
The cause of the fire is still unknown, but witnesses say The Kiss club had a pyrotechnics show while a band performed.
Other reports say the number of deaths might have already reached 220 in what is considered to be the worst fire disaster in Brazil’s History.
Officials confirmed at least 180 people died in a nightclub after insulation caught on fire.
Fire fighters say most victims died asphyxiated by the smoke, and more than 200 were injured in the accident.
The tragedy started around 2 am, when the acoustic insulation caught fire at the nightclub The Kiss in the university city of Santa Maria in southern Brazil.
The cause of the fire is still unknown, but witnesses say The Kiss club had a pyrotechnics show while a band performed.
Other reports say the number of deaths might have already reached 220 in what is considered to be the worst fire disaster in Brazil’s History.
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Assaltante de 50 anos morre durante assalto na Inglaterra
Raphael Michilis Fonseca
Um homem armado, de aproximadamente 50 anos, morreu quando tentava assaltar uma loja de apostas em Plymouth, litoral sudoeste da Inglaterra. O assaltante, que usava uma máscara de gás, foi desarmado e rendido por clientes da loja.
Quando os oficiais da polícia chegaram ao local encontraram o assaltante no chão, imobilizado por clientes e funcionários do estabelecimento e perceberam que ele não respirava”, disse o inspetor da polícia Ian Drummond-Smith.
Ainda com a máscara de gás e já inconsciente no piso da loja, o homem chegou a ser preso pela polícia, que em seguida tentou rescussitá-lo. O serviço de ambulância também tentou reanimar o assaltante, mas ele foi declarado morto 20 minutos depois ainda no local.
O assaltante já foi identificado, mas seu nome não pode ser revelado até que seus familiares sejam oficialmente informados de sua morte.
Uma comissão independente da polícia investiga a causa da morte do assaltante.
Quando os oficiais da polícia chegaram ao local encontraram o assaltante no chão, imobilizado por clientes e funcionários do estabelecimento e perceberam que ele não respirava”, disse o inspetor da polícia Ian Drummond-Smith.
Ainda com a máscara de gás e já inconsciente no piso da loja, o homem chegou a ser preso pela polícia, que em seguida tentou rescussitá-lo. O serviço de ambulância também tentou reanimar o assaltante, mas ele foi declarado morto 20 minutos depois ainda no local.
O assaltante já foi identificado, mas seu nome não pode ser revelado até que seus familiares sejam oficialmente informados de sua morte.
Uma comissão independente da polícia investiga a causa da morte do assaltante.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Polícia britânica é suspeita de omitir crimes para reduzir estatísticas
A polícia britânica é suspeita de manipular o índice de redução de criminalidade na Inglaterra e no País de Gales. Uma pesquisa do Escritório Nacional de Estatiscas (ONS na single em inglês) aponta que cerca de 400.000 occorrências criminais deixaram de ser registradas nos períodos entre 2006-2007 e 2011-2012.
Nos últimos cinco anos a polícia registrou uma queda de 33% nos crimes occorridos na Inglaterra e em Gales. O ONS, no entanto, aponta que a queda foi de apenas 17%.
O estudo sugere que os números foram distorcidos para que a polícia pudesse alcançar metas de redução da criminalidade e podem ser reflexo de cortes no orçamento.
A pesquisa do departamento de Estatística mostrou ainda que o índice de criminalidade teve uma queda contínua em praticamente todas as categorias nos 12 meses de setembro de 2011 a setembro de 2012, terminando o período com uma significante redução de 8%. A análise aponta no entanto que a polícia teria deixado de registrar 7% dos crimes praticados no mesmo intervalo.
O vice ministro da polícia David Hanson pediu para a Inspetoria de Polícia da rainha que investigasse as divergências entre os índices divulgados pelo departamento de estatística e os números registrados pela polícia.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Londres tem menor índice de desemprego dos últimos 18 meses, mas ameaça de demissões aumenta o risco de recessão
O nível de deseprego em Londres caiu de 7,8% to 7,7% no último trimestre de 2012, menor índice em 18 meses de acordo com o Departamento Nacional de Estatísticas (ONS).
Esta e a décima queda consecutiva do índice de desemprego, mas a notícia ainda não foi suficiente para espantar o fantasma da crise no país.
Economistas prevêem que o relatório do Produto Interno Bruto a ser publicado na sexta feira deve revelar uma retração no despenho do último trimestre de 2012. E as mas notícias não se referem apenas ao desepenho da economia da Inglaterra no ano passado, o pior pode estar por vir este ano.
O mais recente balde d'água fria foi jogado na economia Britanica ontem, quando a brigada contra incêndio de Londres anunciou a dispensa de 500 bombeiros e o fechamento de 100 estações de bombeiros numa tentativa de reduzir os custos em £45 milhões.
A onda de desemprego começou na semana passada quando a Honda Europa divulgou a redução de 800 funcionários da planta em Swindon (UK). A notícia foi amenizada logo em seguida quando a Land Rover anunciou intenção de contratar 800 novos empregados no país.
Mas o alívio foi abafado quando a gigante varejista de CD’s e DVD’s HMV confirmou sua falência e potencial demissão de 4.350. Em seguida, foi a vez da Blockbusters revelar dificuldades financeiras e a ameaça de fechar suas 580 lojas e desempregar 4.190 pessoas em todo o país.
Demissão em massa histórica também é esperada nas forcas armadas britânicas. O Ministério da Defesa inglesa anunciou o corte de cerca de 5.300 pessoas nos próximos 12 meses como parte de um programa de redução de custos. Este é o maior corte das forças armadas britânicas desde os anos 90.
Para combater a crise, o Banco da Inglaterra anunciou a manutenção do plano de estímulo de £ 375 bilhões e a sustentação da taxa de juros em 0,5%. O banco espera que as medidas estimulem o empréstimo e acelerem uma virada na economia, evitando um terceiro ciclo de recessão econômica.
Esta e a décima queda consecutiva do índice de desemprego, mas a notícia ainda não foi suficiente para espantar o fantasma da crise no país.
Economistas prevêem que o relatório do Produto Interno Bruto a ser publicado na sexta feira deve revelar uma retração no despenho do último trimestre de 2012. E as mas notícias não se referem apenas ao desepenho da economia da Inglaterra no ano passado, o pior pode estar por vir este ano.
O mais recente balde d'água fria foi jogado na economia Britanica ontem, quando a brigada contra incêndio de Londres anunciou a dispensa de 500 bombeiros e o fechamento de 100 estações de bombeiros numa tentativa de reduzir os custos em £45 milhões.
A onda de desemprego começou na semana passada quando a Honda Europa divulgou a redução de 800 funcionários da planta em Swindon (UK). A notícia foi amenizada logo em seguida quando a Land Rover anunciou intenção de contratar 800 novos empregados no país.
Mas o alívio foi abafado quando a gigante varejista de CD’s e DVD’s HMV confirmou sua falência e potencial demissão de 4.350. Em seguida, foi a vez da Blockbusters revelar dificuldades financeiras e a ameaça de fechar suas 580 lojas e desempregar 4.190 pessoas em todo o país.
Demissão em massa histórica também é esperada nas forcas armadas britânicas. O Ministério da Defesa inglesa anunciou o corte de cerca de 5.300 pessoas nos próximos 12 meses como parte de um programa de redução de custos. Este é o maior corte das forças armadas britânicas desde os anos 90.
Para combater a crise, o Banco da Inglaterra anunciou a manutenção do plano de estímulo de £ 375 bilhões e a sustentação da taxa de juros em 0,5%. O banco espera que as medidas estimulem o empréstimo e acelerem uma virada na economia, evitando um terceiro ciclo de recessão econômica.
Friday, 11 January 2013
Honda to make 800 redundant in the UK
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Predicting increase in demenad, Honda hired 500 new employees 2012 as part of a £237 million investment program |
Honda Europe announced today it will cut 800 jobs from its plant in Swindon, UK. The company informed the redundancies may be completed by the spring 2013.
Dave Hodgetts, Honda chief executive, said the cut follows a shrinking tendency in the whole European car industry that saw 1 million fewer cars sold last year by all makers mainly in Italy, Spain and Greece.
Last year the company hired 500 extra staff in a program that received a £267 million investment expecting an expansion that didn't happen.
Despite the gloomy news, Honda European vice president Ken Keir said the company still believes in the potential of its operations in the UK.
"Quite categorically, we have a future at Swindon and producing cars in Europe for Europe, regardless of this decision," he said.
Honda said it will try to avoid compulsory redundancies, but announced that about 300 contracts ending in the spring may not be renewed.
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